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What are the Possible Causes of a Wine Refrigerator Not Cooling?

What are the Possible Causes of a Wine Refrigerator Not Cooling?

As with any other piece of equipment, a wine fridge can experience issues that prevent it from functioning properly, especially when it comes to cooling. In this article, we’ll look at some of the possible reasons why a wine fridge won’t cool and provide some basic troubleshooting.

1. Firstly, you need to check if there is a power problem, check if the wine fridge is plugged in and the power is on. A tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse may also be a problem.

2. Secondly about the refrigerant, this is one of the common reasons why red wine refrigerators do not cool, such as refrigerant system leakage, if the refrigerant line leaks, the refrigerant may leak, resulting in insufficient cooling. This can be caused by faulty valves, worn seals or damaged pipework, check the system for leaks, weld and replenish.

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In addition, overcharged or undercharged refrigerant, an overcharged system may result in high pressures, while an undercharged system will not have enough refrigerant to effectively cool the interior. You need to stop the machine, rotate the inlet valve stem counterclockwise to the end, remove the screws on the process port, install the pair of wires dedicated to repair, and then install the connecting pipe and the pressure gauge, close the gauge valve, rotate the inlet valve stem clockwise for about one turn, so that the inlet valve is in a tee state, and observe whether the inlet pressure is normal. If the pressure is normal, you can open the refrigerator refrigeration compressor to see if the pressure drops to the normal value. Use the back of the finger to contact the compressor outlet to the condenser pipeline, to see if there is a significant temperature rise. If there is a certain temperature rise, the evaporator pipeline frosts, and the refrigerant is insufficient; if the pressure drops after the export pipeline no heat or heats for a while and then cools down again, it proves that the refrigeration system is an ice blockage or a dirty blockage; if the pressure is similar to the pressure at the time of the shutdown. It proves that there is a problem with the valve plate assembly of the refrigerator refrigeration compressor, and the compressor loses the ability to suction and discharge; if the pressure also drops, but cannot be lowered to the normal value, check whether the evaporator is frost-free or frost-free.

Also, blocked capillary tubes, where the refrigerant can’t get into the evaporator to evaporate and absorb heat, which you should remove and clear, is an area of concern.

3. In addition to power supply problems and refrigerant problems, there may also be a compressor failure. Generally speaking, if the compressor is not normal, its running sound will be louder, that is, humming, and also accompanied by vibration. In addition, the compressor can also leak fluorine, once there is a leakage of fluorine, it will lead to the wine cabinet can not be cooled. In addition, the high-pressure output buffer tube inside the compressor is broken, or the screws holding the tube are loose, resulting in the high-pressure tube not exhausting and the low-pressure tube not suctioning, and the compressor does not run and naturally will not cool. You need to cut open the housing and replace the buffer tube, or tighten the screws.

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4. Incorrect installation or lack of regular maintenance can also lead to cooling problems. If a wine refrigerator is placed too close to a wall or other object, the airflow may be restricted. Wine refrigerators require proper ventilation to ensure efficient cooling, and in general, the recommended distance of a wine refrigerator from a wall is 5 to 10cm.

5. In the process of normal use of the wine cooler, the filter and radiator will inevitably accumulate a certain amount of dust and debris, if not cleaned on time, will cause the cooling effect to be reduced, or even can not be cooled. Therefore, you can regularly clean the filter and radiator to keep the wine cooler in good working condition.

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6. Other mechanical problems can also cause cooling problems, such as a faulty thermostat that does not accurately sense the temperature inside the wine refrigerator and adjusts cooling accordingly. In addition, condenser fans and evaporator fans are responsible for circulating air through the system and if they fail, cooling will be compromised.

I hope the above questions to discover the reasons why the wine refrigerator is not cooling will help you, to troubleshoot the problem, you must carefully inspect the wine refrigerator and identify the root cause, in some cases, it is necessary to call a professional for further diagnosis and repair. In addition, when ordering wine refrigerators in bulk, it is best to choose a reliable wine refrigerator manufacturer to reduce unnecessary after-sale troubles.

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